Update: I no longer maintain this course. You may find similar or other courses on Udemy.

It’s my second book on WebSphere and great pleasure to announce “WebSphere Application Server 8.5 ND Administration Course” book with Author Steven Robinson.  As a Co Author, I enjoyed writing and hope you may enjoy reading too. This course provides the student with the necessary skills to handle all sorts of administrative tasks on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 8.5. The course material is practical and “hands-on” and covers a wide range of topics derived from industry experience.  We have designed this course to include all the necessary instructions to install the product, try out various administrative tasks and can be used easily to refresh your knowledge after the course has been attended. The course also contains over 900 pages of “How To” guides and more than 300 Power Point slides along with Labs, resources and questions and answers This book is available on  Redbooks. This course provides the student with the necessary skill set to handle all sorts of administrative tasks on WebSphere Application Server 8.5 ND. The course material follows a “Do-it-yourself” approach and provides all the necessary instructions to install the product, try out various administrative tasks and learn. Note: With an instructor we can tremendously speed up the learning process. Instructor learning, however is a private consultancy or you can license the course ware for re-sales purposes for your own training needs. Contact us if you are requiring more than self study, however please consider  we are a professional training company. Though our coursware is affordable, we do not provide 1-2-1 training for the same price as self-study. The following are the topics covered.

Application Server Overview
 Module 1 – Install & Uninstall
 Module 2 – Logs and Configuration
 Module 3 – IBM HTTP Server & WAS Plug-in
 Module 4 – Vertical Scaled Cluster Creation
 Module 5 – JDBC
 Module 6 – JMS
 Module 7 – Application Deployment
 Module 8 – Administrative Scripting
 Module 9 – Job Manager
 Module 10 – SSL Part I
 Module 11 – SSL Part II
 Module 12 – Health Management
 Module 13 – JVM Tuning
 Module 14 – High availability
 Module 15 – Administrative Agent
 Module 16 – Security
 Module 17 – Security Auditing
 Module 18 – Administration Tools
 Module 19 – CIM
 Module 20 – Liberty Profile

By completing this course, the student will be able to administer WAS through its complete life cycle i.e. install WAS, deploy applications on WAS, configure WAS for different types of requirements and uninstall WAS. The course stresses the importance of automation through scripting and provides detailed examples in this area. Also the course highlights best practices and gives pointers to pitfalls. Duration:
Ideal duration for an instructor lead course: 5 days
Duration for self-learning: 4 weeks Audience:
Fair knowledge of JEE concepts & Unix commands is mandatory. Prior experience in administering any JEE application server will speed up the learning process. Course Detail: Application Server Overview          Need for application servers          WAS management features          WAS flavours          WAS Topologies          WAS 8.5 new features Module 1 – Install & Uninstall          Installation planning          Product installation in GUI and silent mode          Profile creation in GUI and silent mode          Uninstalling product in GUI and silent mode Module 2 – Logs and Configuration          Understanding product directory structure          Various log files written by WAS          HPEL          Configuring WAS classloaders Module 3 – IBM HTTP Server & WAS Plug-in          Installing IHS and WebSphere Plug-in          Creating Web server definition          Plug-in generation and propagation Module 4 – Vertical Scaled Cluster Creation          Basic terminology          Federating nodes into DMGR cell          Vertical and Horizontal clustering          Node synchronization          Assigning weights to cluster members          Cluster level operations Module 5 – JDBC          JDBC providers          Creating data source & testing connection          Connection pool settings Module 6 – JMS          Why JMS?          Messaging models          JMS – administered objects          WAS JMS – High level picture          Service Integration Bus          File store and Data store          WebSphere MQ messaging          WebSphere MQ Link Module 7 – Application Deployment          Understanding virtual hosts          Deployment – High level picture          Application targets          Deployment using admin console          Monitored directory deployment Module 8 – Administrative Scripting          Using ws_ant          Introduction to Jython          How wsadmin works?          Profile scripts          The wsadmin.properties file          Using command assistance          Property file based configuration management Module 9 – Job Manager          Creating Job Manager Profile          Registering DMGR and base nodes to Job Manager          Creating and scheduling jobs for execution Module 10 – SSL Part I          SSL Concepts          Configure SSL between IHS and WAS          The ikeyman tool Module 11 – SSL Part II          Inbound SSL          SSL Configuration object          Outbound SSL          Monitoring Certificate Expiry Module 12 – Health Management          Health Policy          Health Action          Health Controller          Creating Health Policies Module 13 – Monitoring and Tuning          Analyzing Thread Dumps          Analyzing Heap Dumps          Dump Agents          JVM Tuning          Analyzing GC log messages using GCMV          Performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI) Module 14 – High availability          Understanding session affinity          Deploying applications in a cluster          Clustering and JMS          Clustering and JDBC          Clustering and EJB requests          Understand Session replication & persistence          Dynamic Cluster Module 15 – Administrative Agent          Creating administrative agent profile          Registering & Deregistering application server nodes          Working with administrative agent console Module 16 – Security          Introduction to WAS security          User, Group and Role          Authentication and Authorization          Securing different types of applications Module 17 – Security Auditing          Configure security auditing          Signing audit records          Encrypting audit records          Repository Checkpoint Module 18 – Administration Tools          EarExpander.sh          Collector.sh          Visual Configuration Explorer          The applyPerfTuningTemplate.py too Module 19 – CIM          CIM Overview          Job Targets          Using Sudo          Job Types          Job Creation Wizard          Submitting CIM jobs from command line Module 20 – Liberty Profile          Liberty Profile Overview          Liberty Profile Installation          Setting Liberty Server runtime          Deploying an Application          Securing Liberty Server          Liberty Server Administration