It safeguards your users’ accounts, protects their login formation and other data, and gives them another reason to choose you over others. But are you wondering what’s the use of all this if you already have put effort into your application’s security? Isn’t it enough? The answer is it’s never enough when it comes to cybersecurity. The more secure you can make your application, the better it is. According to Akamai, 43% of all login attempts online are malicious. This is alarming for everyone who operates or uses a website, software product, or service that stores personal information. And this is the reason why you must make your software more secure by implementing security systems like suspicious login detection. Let’s understand what it is and how it can be useful to your business.

What is Suspicious Login Detection?

There are many behaviors that you can flag as suspicious based on their nature of login. A hacker might attempt multiple passwords to access a user account for any software, site, or service. Some suspicious detections are of low risk, while others can be of higher risks. It can happen due to logging in:

At an unusual time From different locations From different devices After many unsuccessful attempts

Applications are sometimes jeopardized by third-party security breaches like mass password leaks. The moment this happens, the hacker can steal necessary or critical information about a user. They can then misuse the information, abuse them with threats, or steal the account altogether. A suspicious Login detection system informs you about the mischief that may happen anytime soon. This application will identify the patterns of login behavior which is slightly different from the regular logins. Some applications use bots that study unusual velocities during logging-in attempts. At that point, they can get blocked from login, and you will get a notification. Alternatively, they could be asked for extra steps such as email verification, MFA challenge, and a code sent to a registered mobile number.

Why is it essential to implement suspicious login detection?

Security is a major concern in the SaaS market. In today’s scenario, many use SaaS products for a variety of purposes in their everyday lives. That said, everyone seeks security, whether it’s the matter of payment logins like giving card details, address, phone numbers, etc., or login details like usernames or passwords. If you don’t offer security in your SaaS product, user information can be hacked or exploited. As a result, your customers will have a hard time trusting you. This is why if you run a SaaS product business, you must make your security measures concrete so that your customers will trust you and your business with their personal information. You deal with massive customer data every day, so security guidelines and systems will also ensure that each customer’s data is safe. Implementing a secure solution like Suspicious Login Detection can be effective in your SaaS product or service to offer a higher level of security to your customers’ data and ensure no one can exploit it or threaten users.

How it helps users to stay secure?

Using a suspicious login detection API like Zenlogin ensures that users’ details are safe. And even if something suspicious happens, it can alert you to take action quickly and safeguard your users’ accounts and data. A secure login allows the users to authenticate their login with various authentication mechanisms. Users will get alerts or notifications when someone tries to log in to their account from another device, unusual locations, and a lot more. Suspicious Login Detection will help you to protect your information during login. The moment you get alert, it is ready to give you some steps to follow so that you can secure the account instantly without any error or difficulties.

Examples of login alerts:

You will receive alerts in emails or SMSs about suspicious activity such as:

Receiving an alert message when someone tries to change your password Asking for a security question during login if your login is doubtful Receiving an email related to the account when typing the same in the box Getting an alert on the same page when login in, if the wrong username or password is entered Getting an SMS alert from a service like Gmail in your mobile asking to type yes or no or send an SMS code to verify

When an unusual login occurs from a new device or location, users must secure an account if they are not doing the activity. But, how? Users must carefully check its security features and read the privacy policy when logging in to any application. Make sure the application takes care of your login credentials. For secure login, users can follow some steps at an individual level:

Creating complex and lengthy passwords using capital letters, small letters, special characters, numbers, etc. Using a complex username rather than an obvious one Never sharing essential credentials Using different passwords for different activities Avoid giving personal information.

Users can follow the above steps to reduce the likelihood of threats in their accounts. But what if you can strengthen your SaaS product or software from the ground up? It will add an extra layer of security to your software, and the threat surface will narrow down more. You can do this by using an excellent suspicious login detection solution. There are many of them in the market, but you need to ensure you are using the best software for your users’ safety. A reliable suspicious login detection API is by Zenlogin. Let’s see how it can help you secure your software.

How can Zenlogin help?

Zenlogin offers security with its suspicious login detection API. It can send quick email notifications to users upon detecting a suspicious login activity. It provides a speedy way of adding a layer of security to your SaaS products and software.

Zenlogin can help provide peace of mind to developers, product managers, founders, and other stakeholders by ensuring their users are using safe software and that their data won’t be compromised. Using Zenlogin’s suspicious login detection API takes away the overhead of in-house development of the security system. Zenlogin takes care of detecting suspicious logins and alerts users through emails.

What are the features and benefits of Zenlogin?

Here’s are some of the important features and benefits of Zenlogin that can help your software stay secure for users to trust you.

Easy for developers

Zenlogin makes it easy for developers to integrate it into your software product. It also comes with preset sensitivity intervals and premade notification emails. It saves a lot of time for your developers, so they contribute to innovation.

Sensitivity controls

Zenlogin gives you better control of the events when a user is alerted of suspicious login attempts. It will further grow the trust of your users in your product and brand.

Premium security

Zenlogin is designed to offer premium security. It guarantees the easiest way to increase the security of your application, service, or website. They use the latest security technologies to strengthen their protection level. The security solution protects all the data inside the application and prevents hackers from misusing or accessing it.

Map integration

They allow you to integrate beautiful maps into email notifications. It allows users to visualize quickly whether or not their account is under threat or compromised.

Detailed logs

You can track all the suspicious login attempts made on users’ accounts and log them in a single place inside Zenlogin. It will include all the necessary details you want to track to help provide a more secure application to your users.

Custom rules

Zenlogin lets you define some specific rules and enable your team to get notified immediately when a suspicious login attempt occurs in their accounts.

Quick to setup

Zenlogin is easy and quick to set up for each endpoint within minutes. So, it saves a lot of your time and energy. You can start using it after pasting a few lines of code written in Curl, PHP, Python, Ruby, or Node.js. Apart from all these, Zenlogin offers premium call support, stores no personal information, and straightforward email notifications.

How does Zenlogin work?

You can build top-notch security for your applications in minutes using Zenlogin’s suspicious login detection API in a few simple steps. Here’s how Zenlogin works.

1. Paste a code snippet

To start with, all you need to do is paste a smaller code snippet. Zenlogin supports all main server-side languages such as PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Curl, etc.

2. Customize the security level

Select the level of sensitivity for the suspicious login detection. For this, you will receive an email with some fields that you need to fill out. Based on this, your security level will be customized according to your business needs and user base.

3. Protect the users

The above will integrate Zenlogin’s suspicious login detection API to your application, site, or services. Next, the API will start monitoring logins and alert when anything looks suspicious. And you can also begin tracking all the suspicious activities and improve your product. Here is the email notification example.


Zenlogin has two pricing plans suitable for different businesses at the time of writing this article.

Free: This plan is forever free if you have requests less than 5,000 per month and allows 500 email alerts a month. Pro: This is a paid plan which is priced at $49/month. It allows 25k requests per month and 2500 login emails a month and premium features like detailed logs, map integration, custom rules, the option to remove branding, etc.

In addition, you can try the Pro plan free for 30 days and decide whether it works for your business or not.

Conclusion 👩‍💻

The online world comes with lots of opportunities, convenience, and options to make our lives easier. But it also includes risks and dangers. Therefore, SaaS businesses must secure their software products/services and users from data theft by implementing safe technologies such as suspicious login detection solutions like Zenlogin.

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